Jewelry Design by

Rhinoceros 3d + GrasshoperGold

Jewelry design by Rhinoceros 3d


ผู้สอน : นายสนธยา ปั้นสุภา
Instructors: Sontaya pansupa



      Jewelry Design by Rhino 3d  (Basic-Intermediate) Course focus to learn all RhinoGold command from beginning till creating Jewelry 3d model.

     Rhino3d is 3d software modeling to create 3d model from small as product to large as a vehicle, architecture. Rhino3d have many commands to create and modify free form 3d model . Generate an accurate 3d model to work with Computer in Manufacturing (CAM) .

   Rhino3d with plugin for jewelry GrasshopperGold  create a command that easy to make Jewelry 3d model as Gems, Setting, Jewelry style, Jewelry Ornament include modifying some command of Rhino3d that easier to create Jewelry 3d model. 

  Also learn Jewelry rendering for present to customer and send model to print 3d by CNC and RP

Course  Content


Day 1

  • Session1 (Introduction)
    -Rhino3d interface and Config
    -Manipulate , Display mode, Browser
    -Oragnize Command, Layer, Save , Library ,Selection
    -Modeling aids : Snap ,Ortho ,Plannar ,Osnap
    -Basic Transform 
    -Basic Curve 
    -General edit Command
  • Session 2 (Creating and Basic Surface tool)
    -Curve tools
    -Modify Curve
    -Basic modeling tools

    Day 2

  • Session 3(Creating with  Surface tool )
    -Surface tools
    -Modify surface tools
  • Session 4 (3D Creating withCurve from object  และ Solid Tool )
    -Solid tools
    -Modify Solid tools
    -Curce from object

    Day 3
  • Session 5  (3D Creating with Transform )
    -All Transform command
  • Session 6 (RhinoGold Command)
    -Gems tools
    -Jewelry  tools

    Day 4
  • Session 7 
    -Pave tools
  • Session 8 
    Jewelry exercise with Rhino8 + GrasshopperGold

    Day 5
  • Session 9 
    -Jewelry Production detail
  • Session 10
    -Jewelry exercise with Rhino8 + GrasshopperGold

    Day 6
  • final project


Course fee : 23,500 Baht ( include, Books , Recoard Live class  and Course online 1 year )

Course Level : Basic -Intermediate

Levels Guide

